Thursday, July 1, 2010

I wanna be a billionaire

I can't believe that today is the first day of July, tomorrow is the last Friday of my break, and I have to go back to work on Tuesday.  I have really enjoyed being only a "housewife" and not having to go to work.  Cooking supper was actually fun because I haven't been at work all day.  Laundry wasn't dreadful.  It was actually quite relaxing.  Although, I find laundry relaxing anyway.  I've been able to have lunch with my husband every day which almost NEVER happens while I'm working.  I really could get used to being a stay at home mom/wife.  Too bad that I still need my paycheck. 

Tuesday will be back to the rushing to get ready in the morning, making sure I've got everything (lunch, calendar, phone, keys, workout clothes, etc) before I leave the house, dealing with stupid parents who should never have had kids in the first place, conferences, SEAS, IPPs, deadlines, notices, crying kids with snotty noses and dirty hands, temper tantrums, throw up, poopy diapers, nosy co-workers, tired feet, errands after work, sweaty workout, what are we gonna have for supper, can I please just sit down, when I get still I fall asleep, YES I'm going to bed and it's only 9:30, get up and do it all again.  Ugh.  Why can't I be rich???????